First Communion Professional Photography

April 5, 2021

First Communions for Catholic families are a very special occasion. Tommy and Emma have both had Communion sessions with us. They are long-time clients of ours and we treasure the friendship we have built with their family over the years. Emma’s Communion photography took place in 2018 at our New Baltimore studio. We utilized flowers, several settings and mirrors to produce some unique visual effects. Tommy had his photos taken at George George Park this past year. Emma joined him in a pretty white dress for a few of the photos. Check out the professional photography from both of their shoots in addition to some behind the scenes!

We are happy to help memorialize this special moment of preparation in your child's  life. Many families are unable to have the large celebrations at this time. Capturing this special memory with photos from our studio is a great way to share this moment with your loved ones. Wallet photos make a great addition to thank you notes as well. Call to ask questions or to schedule a consultation. We are happy to take photos before or after the communion celebration. 586-646-8189

First Communion
First Communion
First Communion
First Communion
First Communion
First Communion
First Communion
First Communion
First Communion
First Communion
First Communion

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