Caleb | Family Photography | New Baltimore Photography Studio

August 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Caleb!  As many know, one of our specialties is family photography.  We have been photographing sweet Caleb and his family for many years now.  As mom reflects back on all of our sessions together and said “I have had studio sessions, on-site at my parents’ home a couple of times, George George Park…I allow input from the photographers on locale- we love being outside- even took pics in the rain once!”  I remember the rain pictures, they actually turned out really beautiful!  And Caleb was way happier on the porch in the rain!

Mom loves her sweet Caleb and enjoys that he is “very smart – loves fun facts and being outdoors.”  He had a lot of fun at our most recent shoot. We were at Lake St. Clair Metropark.  We were a little concerned about the weather as it had been threatening to rain but it ended up being a gorgeous night.  And Mr. Caleb really opened up to us this time around.  Mom loves the natural types of photography.  Natural locations, candid images, and just having fun while taking photographs of them.  There are always plenty of laughs to go around.  Mom even said “I love Ang & Jen and their laid back style of shooting. I enjoy capturing natural poses and emotions – nothing staged.” We definitely achieved that this time around as well.  And since we have been taking pictures of Caleb since he was one, he seems to warm up to us a bit faster each time.

Mom and Caleb are always in simple clothing choices, nothing busy or complicated.  As mom puts it, she likes “simple clothing to focus more on the smiles.” As far as props go, Caleb picked up his own props.  Right off the bat he found a feather on the ground and mom and Caleb talked about what feathers mean to them, that daddy is looking down on them from Heaven and I am sure he was helping guide their beautiful smiles as well.  Caleb carried that feather around throughout our entire session.  We also happen to have a squirt crate with us in the car and we added that to the session so that mom didn’t have to sit on the damp ground.  The crate went well with the natural setting of the woods, trees, plants and grass.

There have been some years where we struggled getting a smile from Caleb. Not this time.  Not only did it genuinely appear that mom and Caleb were truly enjoying their time together and with us, mom had some tricks up her sleeve to help as well.  She suggests bringing “snacks, water and perhaps getting there early to make sure the child is comfortable with the location and isn’t stressed – make the child relax to get the best pics ever….talk about FARTS!”  I must sheepishly admit, when necessary, we do stoop to the fart level to get a good smile, especially from boys, young and old!  I don’t know why, but it always works!

We always enjoy our time with Caleb and his mommy. They have become like family to us over the years and we are always happy to see their appointment pop up on our scheduler. Mom describes her time with us as “the best experience- no stress and I have photos that I can look back on for the rest of my life remembering Caleb as he is in the moment!” We are so happy to hear that and honored to be a part of their lives year after year.  They have been dealt some difficult cards in the past few years.  But Caleb and Mom are strong and together they show that love can get you through anything.  Thank you for allowing us to be your family photographer!

If you are ready to have family photos taken, call us today at 586-646-8189 to schedule your appointment.  As always, you are welcome to visit our online scheduler to make you appointment from the convince of your own home.  Either way, make that appointment!  It is so very important to Capture these Moments together as a family!  We are honored to have been a part of capturing treasured moments that will live on for a lifetime with this family.

Caleb | Family Photography | New Baltimore Photography Studio | LojkoJul16-8000.jpg Caleb | Family Photography | New Baltimore Photography Studio | LojkoJul16-8022.jpg Caleb | Family Photography | New Baltimore Photography Studio | LojkoJul16-8025.jpg Caleb | Family Photography | New Baltimore Photography Studio | LojkoJul16-8070.jpg Caleb | Family Photography | New Baltimore Photography Studio | LojkoJul16-8096.jpg Caleb | Family Photography | New Baltimore Photography Studio | LojkoJul16-8112.jpg

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