A New Year and a Newborn Baby!

January 24, 2014

It is a new year and our first shoot was a gorgeous Newborn Baby! It was also our first full day back in the studio after a much needed, (and well deserved – if I do say so myself), vacation.  We started the day off with a newborn session, and WOW, this little guy could not have been more cooperative!!  It isn’t often that we get a baby this calm and easy going, but when we do, the results are just fantastic.  We were able to try some poses that are typically reserved for the newest and calmest of babies.  This sweet little angel could sleep like no other baby we have met.  We moved him, we snuggled him, we rolled him on his belly and he stayed sound asleep.  He only woke long enough to eat and then he was back to slumber land.  Mom and Dad were able to sit back and relax while we worked our baby magic.  Mom and Dad are no strangers to the studio.  We had the pleasure of photographing them before this handsome little man was born.

Thank you baby Grayson for being such a wonderful subject and making our jobs a little bit easier, and of course, welcome to the world!! If you are going to be welcoming a new little bundle of joy into your lives in 2014, check out our newborn package.  A package is a great way to document the first year of life and all the changes that go with it.

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